Join the Fastest Growing Platform in CRE

We are the data and technology, you are the relationship
At StackSource, we uphold the highest standards for brokerages and advisors who join our platform. Our rigorous vetting process ensures that only the most qualified professionals become part of our platform. This commitment to excellence allows us to deliver exceptional service to all our clients.

Advisor Qualifications

Key Requirements:
Affiliation with Approved Brokerage: Advisors must be part of a StackSource Approved Brokerage.
Proven Track Record: Advisors need to have successfully placed over $50 million in capital to engage with lenders on our platform and must provide at least 3 lender references on recently closed transactions.
Integrity and Transparency: Advisors must operate with high integrity and transparency in all transactions.
Licensing: Advisors must hold the necessary licenses to operate within specific states.
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Interested in becoming an enterprise advisor? Click here.

Brokerage Qualifications

Key Requirements:
Strong Track Records: Brokerages must have a history of strong performance and provide a minimum of 5 lender references.
Annual Origination: Brokerages should have an average annual origination of $300 million or more.
Total Gross Origination: Brokerages must have a total gross origination of over $1 billion.
Integrity and Transparency: Brokerages must operate with high integrity and transparency in all dealings.
Licensing: Brokerages must possess the necessary licenses to operate within specific states.
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Interested in becoming an enterprise brokerage? Click here.
*Exceptions for brokerage qualifications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may be granted based on individual circumstances and qualifications.