
Look around the real estate industry these days, and you’re going to find a lot of startups talking about bringing “transparency” to the industry. They come in the form of real estate data providers, tech-enabled brokerages, and software platforms. The “old school” players may also be talking about transparency, though perhaps more selectively — where it benefits their existing business.
Transparency could mean the ability to see who is transacting in the market, and at what price. It could mean a cleaner transaction experience, where all the steps are laid out and the players are communicating openly. It could mean gaining visibility into your options on a given deal right up front, with the ability to “see the market” beyond just relying on the opinions of the people you know.
It’s not only real estate. As a matter of fact, real estate is arguably behind the curve in the business world’s demand curve shift toward transparency. Businesses are run by people, and people crave transparency.
noun : an honest way of doing things that allows other people to know exactly what you are doing
similar : openness
At StackSource, we’re committed to transparency as a platform. That plays out in the technology tools we create, and the Capital Advisors that guide our clients through the commercial financing process.
Specifically, it means:
- Always showing the StackSource Fee as part of the loan quote comparison process.
- Capital Advisors seek to provide full transparency into clients’ financing options through the StackSource service. We don’t do favors for our capital providers, we do business with our capital providers.
- Capital Advisors will relay any obtained financing quotes to their client, via the StackSource platform, as quickly as possible.
- If we don’t think your deal is financeable, we’ll tell you right up front, and explain our reasoning.
- Our platform shows all the lenders we’ve matched to a loan request. Users can see lenders that review and decline a loan in addition to those that submit a quote.
What does Transparency mean to you?
Our expert Capital Advisors help you secure your ideal capital stack, resulting in a lower cost of capital for your investments in less time and with more transparency than a traditional commercial mortgage brokerage. Learn more at